Some notes on local place names

Inverness Inbhir Nis Mouth of River Ness
River Ness Abhainn Nis One of the shortest rivers in Britain — only 8 miles long
The Leachkin An Leacainn The broad slope or hillside. Correctly pronounced “Lach Kin”
Scorguie An Sgòr Gaoithe The windy point
Kinmylies Cinn a’ Mhillidh Mentioned in a charter of 1232, when the name covered a much wider area from Muirtown to Torvean. Possible meanings: “Warrior’s headland”, “Mile End”, Church of St Maili
Craig Phadrig Creag Phadraig Peter or Patrick’s Rock; possibly where St Columba met Pictish King Brude in 565 AD.
Dunain Dùn Eun Hill or fort of birds
Clachnaharry Clach na h-Aithrigh Stone of repentance. Scene of battle in 1434 between Munros and MacKintoshes over passage money for Munro
Tomnahurich Tom na h-Iubhraich Hill of the yew trees. Reputed to have fairies present
Torvean Tor Bheathain Hill of Saint Bean (possibly a cousin of St Columba)
Bught n/a — probably of Scots origin Animal enclosure — possibly “sheep fold”
Ballifeary Baile na Faire Place or village of watching (lookout point)
Merkinch Marc Innis Island or meadow of the horses
Kilvean Cill Bheathain Cell or Church of Saint Bean (see Torvean)
Culloden Cùil Lodair Back of the small pond
Clachnacuddin Clach na Cùdainn Stone of the tub(s) — now to be found at the front of the Town House

“The Gaelic Place Names and Heritage of Inverness” — Roddy Maclean
“Notes on the Ness valley” — Hugh Barron, GSI Transactions

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